Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

"There's a brand new year just around the bend,
no need to borrow, but so much to lend,
God is the source, for me and for you,
In 2012 He's made all things new!
His grace is sufficient, His mercy new every morning,
His desire is to make His children be adorning,
So give Him your life with nothing held back,
Tis' then you'll know of 'more' and forget about lack."
Just a little poem I wrote for the New Year. Make it a point to remember these things in 2012. We are God's children, not to be tossed to and fro. We shall not want or lack for any good thing. We serve a God, who is more than enough. By His stripes we are healed, by His grace we are justified, by His strength we can do all things, by His love we can know Him and be like Him, by His mercy we can be free, and by His blood we HAVE OVERCOME!
Happy New Year! 2012 will be wonderful!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ask and you Shall Have.

James 3:17 says, "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness."
God tells us who lack wisdom just to ask for it. Sounds good, huh! Well, it IS good - if practiced. In order for us to receive we must ask the Lord with a hope and a confidence. The Bible tells us (also in James) that we have not not because we ask not.Until we have made Jesus Lord over all there will be 'have nots' in those areas we choose to keep Him out of. Would you feel awkward asking your neighbor who you've only said hello to a few times to help you landscape your yard? I know I would. 
Open and constant communication with the Lord is a must. Giving Him power over all areas of life is a must. A surface relationship will never do. He searches your heart and knows your innermost being. He already knows everything, but invite Him to know you and dwell in you on purpose. Ask for His wisdom and guidance in all things. He'll never steer you wrong. His love for us is unfailing.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

His Grace is Enough and Enough and Enough!

Hebrews 14:6 says "Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God's unmerited favor to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it]."
His grace is powerful and ever present. It never runs out; it's an endless supply. It is sufficient for all of our weakness and because of it we can be made whole. I'm so thankful for His grace, undeserved yet lavished in abundance. It's His grace that has taught me how to truly give an receive His love. Knowing I have a God who allows me to approach Him boldly, despite all of my shortcomings and flaws, overwhelms me and prods me to love. To love Him, to love others and to love myself. 
It allows me to see myself in His perfect image - literally see the ME that I am in HIM. This is so important in our growing as Christians. We have got to see ourselves as God does - holy and right standing. Jesus paid it all so we might live wholly and completely in Him - not so we could strive to figure it all out or be children tossed to and fro.
His grace is sufficient and will always be more than enough. Grab a hold of His grace to be who He has called you to be. No more striving! Approach Him boldly and allow Him to do the work in you.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Who's Holy Spirit Do You Think You Are?

Last night I ran into a few friends from church. We chatted for a few, and we arrived upon the subject of wifehood. I listened as this woman shared her frustration about her significant other. She said he seemed to be on a different page than her - she was growing in the Lord, and he wasn't going at her same pace. I encouraged her by saying these words... "We cannot be our husbands Holy Spirit. We cannot change them because if we do, the results we get are not real. Their behavior may have changed, but the heart is left in the same, or even worsened, condition." My husband heard me say this and shouted, "AMEN!"
I'm sure He is grateful for this revelation God has given me, since I used to take in the role of the Holy Spirit quite often in our early years of marriage. (Sometimes, it still tries to creep up on me.;-)
What I learned is that by trying to change my husband it just frustrated the situation more. He was feeling discouraged, and I was feeling worn out. If we are trying to change our spouse in to our perfect image, the insecurity really lies within us. It's when we haven't placed our confidence in Christ alone, that we take on the project of changing those around us. If our confidence was in Christ, we would know that any change HE produces is REAL. It's above and beyond anything we could ever do ourselves. Have you ever tried to do a job, but you don't have the right tool? For example - trying to mop the floor without a mop - you end up on your hands and knees and it takes a lot longer. Or, carrying the laundry all the way up the stairs without a basket. Or, trying to vacuum under the couch, but you don;t have the right attachment so you have to lift and push at the same time. (I've done all of that, by the way.) That's what it's like when we try and do things in our own strength and confidence. Sure, we can pull it off sometimes, but it's taken way longer, it doesn't get done right, and it's a really fight to accomplish it. Sure, we can nag and nag and nag until we get the husbands to shape up, but that leaves him feeling beat down and resentful, feeling unloved and shamed, and it leaves us feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted and STILL discontent at the end of the day. The same goes for your kids and your loved ones. Allow God to produce in them a new heart. If you're struggling - let go. Make a decision that you are going to hold fast to God's promises, choosing to LOVE all the while. I have seen, when I walk in love towards my husband, he wants to be a better man. He want to be who I see him as when I'm looking through Christ's eyes. Love hopes and it never gives up on a person - it never fails and keeps no record of a person's wrongdoing.
Take it from me - someone who has tried it both ways. LOVE conquers all. Choosing to love means choosing the victory.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Taste and SEE that the Lord is good!

"For  lack of vision the people perish..."
That's a goood word right there! I know first hand what having no vision can do to you. It can literally stifle and halt the plan of God for your life. When I was twenty years old the Holy Spirit started leading me to write a book. I know that I know that this is what God wants for me to do and that He has equipped me with all I need to accomplish it... Which means I should have had it done by now, right!? Right... if I could have SEEN it, but I couldn't. I couldn't see the end result. I couldn't see God working it all out for me. I couldn't see anyone buying it OR reading it. There's been a lot God has spoken to my heart over the years that has been stifled by my lack of sight. But NO longer. NOW I SEE!
I'm excited for all God has in store for me and I can see all of it! I see the book and I see people reading it! I see Him accomplishing all of it and I'm not afraid anymore! I see His perfect peace in my life! I see the Lord singing over me---pouring out His very same Holy Spirit that's in Christ Jesus! I see His blessings running over in my life!
I see NO lack, I see NO want, I see NO fear!
I'm seeing all He has for me and I'm speaking it over my life!
You can, too! We are His children! He wants only good for us! He wants to bless us and provide everything for us! You just have to see! " For lack of vision the people perish..."
I like the Message translation of this - "If people can't see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed." AMEN!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, rejoice!
No matter what's going on in your life, rejoice. The Lord is good and His mercy endures forever! Whether you're on top of the world and all is well or you're having the worst day you've ever had, God loves you and has made you whole! His steadfast love is constant. He has made you in His image and sees you as His very own righteousness! Dive into His word and find out who you really are. You're royalty so start going after your inheritance. Believe that His promises will come to pass in your life! Start expecting and be of good cheer for you have overcome the world!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Are You an Encourager? You're Called to Be!

"Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing."
I am so grateful for friends who do this. Last night we had company and, as always, had some great laughs and fun times. We were all just enjoying one another, eating, watching the game, sharing our lives with one another. Not even thinking, I just started singing a verse to a song, when my friend looks at me and says 'I just love being here, you guys are always singing, I love it.' I looked at her kind of puzzled and said 'Really?' I guess I hadn't noticed. HAHA. I mean we do sing allll the time, but I didn't realize that we did it in front of our company or that it impacted anyone. It was so encouraging to know that our joy is outpouring without even a thought. God is so good to us, and we can't help but sing His praise! I want to thank my know who you are... if you hadn't said that I wouldn't have known it blessed you. This encouraged me greatly. God has called all of us to encourage one another. I know, personally, I LIVE for encouraging people! It makes me so happy to make others feel good. I can't imagine keeping it all in and never sharing it with the person I'm thinking it about. It seems like such a waste. 
Sadly, I see it happen quite frequently. It stems from insecurity or fear that if you edify someone else, you might not be edified. That's a lie from the devil. To build someone up will build you up! It will feel so good! It will, more importantly, edify Christ since He is responsible for any of the good in any of us, anyways! Don't let any more time pass without telling people the good you see in them. It will change your life!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Lord, You Have my Heart.

So, yesterday I was answering phones for WSTL's Day of Prayer, when I got a call that touched my heart unimaginably. I got a call from an elderly woman who had lost her husband to cancer two years ago. Her prayer was that Jesus would help her not to feel so lonely. She told me she had never ever heard of WSTL before and yesterday was her first time ever tuning in. I told her that God loved her so much that He sent that radio station and day of prayer just for her. I prayed with this woman that God would be her comforter and her counselor, her constant companion and friend, and she received it. I could FEEL her receive it. I maintained my 'peppy' tone and told her I was so glad that we got to pray together and that God loved her so much! But, when I hung up, the strength I was able to maintain over the phone line just crumbled. To my surprise, I immediately began to sob. I felt so much for this lady. Within minutes I had grown to love and care deeply for this woman and it was very hard for me to leave her. But I know that I left her in the best possible place, right into the arms of Jesus. I'm so thankful for all the times He has wrapped ME in those very same arms. All the times I was lonely or hurt or afraid, He just held me.
More than it pained me to hang up the phone and leave that lady, it pains Him to leave us. So much so that He sent His son to die for you and for me. So much that no matter what condition we are in, He will never leave us or forsake us. It crushes Him when pull our heart or our mind away from Him...for sin, for friends, for earthly love, for status, for fun.. Whatever it is.
All that lady wanted was Jesus, and He's all I want, too. I want His heart, His compassion, His desires, His plan, His purpose, His discipline, His wisdom, His everything. And He has already said it's all mine---He hold nothing back, and I lack for NO good thing. Thank you, Jesus for me and for that lady, you know her, she is your daughter, and so am I.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Lord, Have All of Me.

Lord, you can have all of me. I'm yours, anyhow. Use me, Lord---any how and any way you want. I'm no longer interested in managing my own affairs. I'm no longer needing to 'figure it out' or know why. You are in control. You are my King, therefore I am your servant. You are my Father, therefore I am your daughter. You are my author, therefore I'm your book.You are my Comforter, therefore I am resting in you. You are my Peace, therefore I am comforted. You are my Joy, therefore I am joyful. <3

"My life is not my own, to You I belong, I give myself, I give myself to You."

I will never take it back. EVER. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

No Longer a Critic.

What does it mean to be a critic? Merriam Webster's Dictionary defines it as this: 'one who expresses a reasoned opinion on any matter especially involving a judgment of its value, truth, righteousness, beauty, or technique.' So in short it means someone who expresses their opinion about something. And what is an opinion? An opinion is a view, a judgement, or a belief. Hmmm. This prods me to think about myself. Am I a critic? It seems so. I give my opinions on lots of things, movies, books, decor', art, music, sermons, etc. I, by nature, enjoy discussing and even debating. I love to talk and love to listen. Could I be a successful critic? Surely I would meet the standards of a good one, but according to who's standards? God is showing me that anyone can say something... or come up with something to say, but is that always a good thing? Sure it can be, as long as I am speaking God's word or speaking His truth in love. But, maybe part of accomplishing that is not speaking in an audible voice at all. Maybe it's just being quiet and listening for His still small voice. For quite awhile now, I have been measuring everything I hear or read with the Word of God. It's something that was prodded in me by the Holy Spirit, and I think it is extremely important to do. But, today, I had a revelation about it. Measuring all I hear with the word started off great, producing peace in me and it remained that way for awhile. But somewhere along the way, it turned a bit chaotic. I think it happened because I made it like a project, and I became more like a critic instead of a child willing to learn. This hasn't happened every time, but definitely some of the time. Doing this has caused me to experience occasional confusion. It is not my responsibility to question everything, and it is not my job to be critical either. The Holy Spirit searches ALL things and teaches me ALL things. I don't have to do it. I don't have to wonder or worry or critique anybody or anything. The Spirit will show me all I need to know! 
1st Corinthians 2:9-10 says this:
"However, as it is written:“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” the things God has prepared for those who love him—these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God." 
So once again... the only responsibility I have is to abide in Him. It really does always come back to that. I don't have to figure anything out! He will reveal all things to me! 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Speaking of Edifying

We are commanded by God to be slow to speak and slow to become angry. But, that's not what I see among some of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. We should be edifying, but instead we tear down. This is not love. It is not powerful to place our own convictions on other people with our prideful words or quotes, but it is very powerful to hold our tongue and speak the truth in love. does not envy it does not boast, it is not proud and certainly not rude. We should not be proud of who we are or what we 'do' because apart from God we can do nothing. Instead of expecting everyone to do what we do or be where we are, let's love each other right where we're at. Let's give grace and mercy and love at all times. When I was a baby Christian I was often insulted for not being 'spiritual' enough, and now that I'm a little stronger in my faith, I've been criticized for 'thinking I have it all together or thinking I'm perfect.' But the truth is, Christ in me--the Hope of Glory, has set me free. I'm not held captive by what anyone says or thinks of me because I know who I am in Him. But there was a time when peoples words still had power over me, and lets be honest, the Bible does sat that the tongue can kill and destroy. There's lots of people out there that just need to be encouraged or edified with an encouraging word. Let's not be haughty and prideful thinking everyone should be where we are at. And let's not be deceived into thinking we have got it all together. That can be a very scary place. I am constantly learning. Everyday God teaches me something new because His word is living and active! I make a choice each day to place myself---my everything, at The foot of His cross and the throne of His grace. I encourage myself in the Lord and chose to walk according to his perfect will for my life, and when I miss it, He is faithful to correct me becasue He loves me.
Let us be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. Let's think before we speak AND before we type. Let's use our tongues to bring glory to God and edify Him while we edify one another, and let's use Facebook for that, too! 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Jesus, I'm With You.

Why do we think we have so much power to do things on our own? I cannot do anything apart from Christ. If you only knew how many little journeys I've begun to change this about me, or change that about me, you'd have lots of trouble keeping up. What a revelation it was to realize this truth, that apart from Him I can do nothing. I can have the best intentions in the world, but without Christ it is impossible to make any progress...Faith and works go TOGETHER. We must have faith in the One who has rescued us if we want to make any progress here on this earth. 'I can do all things through CHRIST who gives me strength!' Not through, myself, not through my husband, not through my pastor, but through Christ alone. For a long time, I didn't understand the true meaning of that scripture. I thought, 'Ok. If I pray and I love Jesus, and I want to do good, it'll happen.' But that's not it. It is abiding in Him, being intimate with Him, knowing Who He is and Who He has called me to be. He has equipped me for every good work, to do all things according to His purpose for my life, and it's not a feeling, it is a knowing. It is a hope that's unwavering. It's just doing it---being it---acting it---all of that. Will we fall short? Sure, we will, but ONLY when we take our eyes of of Him! So keep your eyes fixed on Jesus! He is not only the author of our faith, but the PERFECTER of it, too!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Weakness...It's All Good!

2 Corinthians 12:9
"But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and show themselves most effective in [your] weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell) upon me!"

So, I was meditating on the verse today, and I thought....'Woooooo Hoooooo!' This gives me such a hope that whatever I struggle with are the VERY things that allows Gods perfection to step in! It's where my spirit knows that I need Him. Every area that is lacking, God is perfecting it... everything that's hard for me, God is overcoming it, every area I'm weak in, He is strong in. I'll take HIS capability in all things over my own any day. For apart from Him I can do nothing! But WITH HIM I CAN DO ALL THINGS! 
I can love my husband perfectly as His love is perfect towards me. I can train my children as He teaches me and trains me in all things. I can encourage my friends as I encourage myself in Him. I can sing songs of praise as He sings over me. I can love my enemies because while I was still a sinner He loved me and gave His son up for me. I can make right decisions because He has equipped me to do so. I can be righteous and upright because He has given me grace and mercy! I can do ALL THINGS because He is my very strength! He is my very joy! He is my All in All! <3

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Thanking Him With A Grateful Heart

So last week my husband brought in a dozen roses to work for me--JUST BECAUSE. He left them with the front office.When I got them the front of the card said 'Many Thanks' and there were like 5 little 'thank you's' on the bottom. I thought to myself...'who could these be from?' I turned the card over and it said, "Honey, Thanks for all you do.' Of course it was my husbands writing. It felt so good to hear, or read, rather, those words. In the big scheme of life I KNOW my husband is thankful for me, but how nice it was of him to put an action to it. It felt so good.
So, of course, this got me thinking about God. Of course God KNOWS our hearts, and knows when we are thankful, but imagine what it does for Him when we are thankful on purpose, by giving Him praise with our words and thanking Him out loud. I think there are ways to 'send God flowers'. When we are thankful out loud it blesses Him, when we share His love with others we show forth His glory, when we serve Him with our time and our gifts and our talents, He is blessed! I want bless the Lord at all times! His praise shall continually be on my lips!
The other day after shopping at SAM'S CLUB and Stop and Shop, I was pretty surprised at how high the bill was, and even thought 'WOAH' at first. But, that quickly turned into joy and thanksgiving. I just began to thank Him out loud and thank Him for the funds to buy food in abundance for our family, praising him that we lack for no good thing! Seriously, in our early years of marriage our grocery bill was a stress. There is no stress when it comes to any bill anymore. How did we get here?? GOD! Because "The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it."

Friday, September 16, 2011

A revelation while plucking grapes ;-)

So, this morning, while plucking grapes for the kids' lunch, I had a revelation. As I was pulling grapes off of the vine, they were kind of becoming distorted and mushy! It was like they were literally cleaved together with their vine, their very source, and didn't want to come off. hehe.
Now, I'm not crazy. I know grapes don't have a will, but I DO! And I was able to relate to those grapes!
So many things can try and pull us away from our source of life. Jesus is my source, and when I stray from my source, I lose it. By 'it' I only mean----everything. Seriously, in order for me to mot turn to mush or become distorted, I need to be in Jesus ALL the time and I was thankful for the reminder!
THEN...I go to read my 'Jesus Calling' devotional a little while ago, and I was glad! The Holy Spirit is speaking to me... and I am rejoicing over that!
This is what today's devotional said,

"I designed you to live in union with Me. This union does not negate who you are; it actually makes you more fully yourself. When you try to live independently of Me, you experience emptiness and dissatisfaction. You may gain the the whole world and yet you lose everything that really counts. Find fulfillment through living close to Me, yielding to My purposes for you. Though I may lead you along paths that feel alien to you, trust that I know what I am doing. If you follow me wholeheartedly, you will discover facets of yourself that were previously hidden. I know you intimately--far better than you know yourself. In union with Me you are complete. In closesness to Me, you are transformed more and more into the one I designed you to be."

Abide in the One who made you today; the one who gives you life, for He is your source.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


God is love. Love endures long and is patient and does not display itself haughtily, it's not vainglorious. Those are just a few of the characteristics of My Heavenly Father, characteristics that I, myself, am capable of possessing because my Father has said I can. 
To endure literally means to put up with or to suffer through. Jesus has done that for us... He actually asked the Lord in regards to his disciples 'How long must I put up with them?' I can relate to Jesus, as I know we all can, since we don't have a high priest that can't relate to us, but One who has ENDURED all things, yet passed every test. Sometimes people are a challenge. But it's all good.
Jesus didn't just talk about love. He lived it, and in living it, He died for us. All of us have a choice. We can chose to walk around this life frustrated, or we can love---we can endure, and we can endure well! I choose love---all day, every day. And if I forget sometime, I know that my God is faithful to lead me back to Him with grace and mercy. LOVE is Amazing- Love is GOD!