Monday, September 26, 2011

Weakness...It's All Good!

2 Corinthians 12:9
"But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and show themselves most effective in [your] weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell) upon me!"

So, I was meditating on the verse today, and I thought....'Woooooo Hoooooo!' This gives me such a hope that whatever I struggle with are the VERY things that allows Gods perfection to step in! It's where my spirit knows that I need Him. Every area that is lacking, God is perfecting it... everything that's hard for me, God is overcoming it, every area I'm weak in, He is strong in. I'll take HIS capability in all things over my own any day. For apart from Him I can do nothing! But WITH HIM I CAN DO ALL THINGS! 
I can love my husband perfectly as His love is perfect towards me. I can train my children as He teaches me and trains me in all things. I can encourage my friends as I encourage myself in Him. I can sing songs of praise as He sings over me. I can love my enemies because while I was still a sinner He loved me and gave His son up for me. I can make right decisions because He has equipped me to do so. I can be righteous and upright because He has given me grace and mercy! I can do ALL THINGS because He is my very strength! He is my very joy! He is my All in All! <3

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Thanking Him With A Grateful Heart

So last week my husband brought in a dozen roses to work for me--JUST BECAUSE. He left them with the front office.When I got them the front of the card said 'Many Thanks' and there were like 5 little 'thank you's' on the bottom. I thought to myself...'who could these be from?' I turned the card over and it said, "Honey, Thanks for all you do.' Of course it was my husbands writing. It felt so good to hear, or read, rather, those words. In the big scheme of life I KNOW my husband is thankful for me, but how nice it was of him to put an action to it. It felt so good.
So, of course, this got me thinking about God. Of course God KNOWS our hearts, and knows when we are thankful, but imagine what it does for Him when we are thankful on purpose, by giving Him praise with our words and thanking Him out loud. I think there are ways to 'send God flowers'. When we are thankful out loud it blesses Him, when we share His love with others we show forth His glory, when we serve Him with our time and our gifts and our talents, He is blessed! I want bless the Lord at all times! His praise shall continually be on my lips!
The other day after shopping at SAM'S CLUB and Stop and Shop, I was pretty surprised at how high the bill was, and even thought 'WOAH' at first. But, that quickly turned into joy and thanksgiving. I just began to thank Him out loud and thank Him for the funds to buy food in abundance for our family, praising him that we lack for no good thing! Seriously, in our early years of marriage our grocery bill was a stress. There is no stress when it comes to any bill anymore. How did we get here?? GOD! Because "The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it."

Friday, September 16, 2011

A revelation while plucking grapes ;-)

So, this morning, while plucking grapes for the kids' lunch, I had a revelation. As I was pulling grapes off of the vine, they were kind of becoming distorted and mushy! It was like they were literally cleaved together with their vine, their very source, and didn't want to come off. hehe.
Now, I'm not crazy. I know grapes don't have a will, but I DO! And I was able to relate to those grapes!
So many things can try and pull us away from our source of life. Jesus is my source, and when I stray from my source, I lose it. By 'it' I only mean----everything. Seriously, in order for me to mot turn to mush or become distorted, I need to be in Jesus ALL the time and I was thankful for the reminder!
THEN...I go to read my 'Jesus Calling' devotional a little while ago, and I was glad! The Holy Spirit is speaking to me... and I am rejoicing over that!
This is what today's devotional said,

"I designed you to live in union with Me. This union does not negate who you are; it actually makes you more fully yourself. When you try to live independently of Me, you experience emptiness and dissatisfaction. You may gain the the whole world and yet you lose everything that really counts. Find fulfillment through living close to Me, yielding to My purposes for you. Though I may lead you along paths that feel alien to you, trust that I know what I am doing. If you follow me wholeheartedly, you will discover facets of yourself that were previously hidden. I know you intimately--far better than you know yourself. In union with Me you are complete. In closesness to Me, you are transformed more and more into the one I designed you to be."

Abide in the One who made you today; the one who gives you life, for He is your source.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


God is love. Love endures long and is patient and does not display itself haughtily, it's not vainglorious. Those are just a few of the characteristics of My Heavenly Father, characteristics that I, myself, am capable of possessing because my Father has said I can. 
To endure literally means to put up with or to suffer through. Jesus has done that for us... He actually asked the Lord in regards to his disciples 'How long must I put up with them?' I can relate to Jesus, as I know we all can, since we don't have a high priest that can't relate to us, but One who has ENDURED all things, yet passed every test. Sometimes people are a challenge. But it's all good.
Jesus didn't just talk about love. He lived it, and in living it, He died for us. All of us have a choice. We can chose to walk around this life frustrated, or we can love---we can endure, and we can endure well! I choose love---all day, every day. And if I forget sometime, I know that my God is faithful to lead me back to Him with grace and mercy. LOVE is Amazing- Love is GOD!