Wednesday, November 20, 2013

With Everything

'With everything, with everything, we will shout forth Your glory, Lord. 
With everything, with everything we will shout forth Your praise. 
Our hearts they cry, be glorified, be lifted high above all names.'

These are the lyrics to a worship song that was instrumental in Christiano's life, here on earth. This is the song that first brought him to his knees before The Lord. His youth group, d2L (darkness to Light), hosted an overnight event called 'Flooded.' It was offered to the students for the purpose of drawing closer to The Lord through teaching, drama presentation, spoken word and times of intimate worship. Christiano was part of planning the event and was eager to attend and participate. One of the bands that came to perform was Fighting the Influence. They began their performance with a few of their hit songs and everyone was having a great time rocking out with them. But, towards the end of their set, the band transitioned to this beautiful worship song, 'With Everything.' The whole atmosphere shifted, and we all began worshiping our Heavenly Father in spirit and in truth. After some time, I happened to glance over to my right. At first I didn't see him, but as I shifted my eyes down lower I saw Christiano on his knees before God. Within minutes, I saw other young ladies and gentlemen falling to their knees, also. It was a beautiful sight, and it will never leave my heart. 
The next day, Christiano and I got a chance to talk about the conference and, more specifically, that moment. He shared with me that he had no control over what had happened; the Holy Spirit had taken over and he was impressed to kneel before The Lord. He knew it was a pivotal moment in his relationship with God, and he explained that he had never felt so close to Him. It was in that moment that he knew without a doubt that God was real. When I think about him being in the presence of God in the way he is now, I'm reminded of that moment. I'm reminded of the peace and joy he felt to have had that connection with The Lord. In that moment, when he sang out 'with everything, with everything,' there was nothing separating him from God, and now he holds that position permanently. It's no longer just an experience, it is his constant place. Now he truly knows the fulness of those words he uttered at his water baptism. 'JESUS IS MY CONSTANT.' 
Remember, that the most intimate times we have with The Lord are just glimpses of what it will be like in eternity. We are transients, just passing through. And, as we pass through, let us love others and show forth the glory of The Lord, 'with everything' we are. 

1 comment:

  1. What a position to hold permanently!!! How I long for that day!
