Friday, October 26, 2012

The Importance of Reading to our Chidren; Young and Old.

Last night was Open House for my middle-schoolers, and something the Headmaster said really struck me. He said if there was one piece of advice he could give to all of us parents, it would be this: 'to read aloud to our children of all ages.' This really hit home for me. I have been a mother for seventeen years, and I've done my fare share of reading aloud to my kiddos. But, boy have I been slacking! The temptation we have when we have big families is to grow weary in our parenting. The things we did for number one are often missed with number two, and then a little more with number three, and by four it's.., well, you get the idea. Thankfully, I was challenged in this are last night. I thought to myself, 'Wow, I knew this once.' I once knew the importance of reading aloud to my children. I had just forgotten, and I'm so glad to have been reminded! Shout out to Headmaster 'G' for the reminder! Some quick words of encouragement to all of you parents out there. 
'Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.' Galatians 6:9 (NIV)
The harvest of reading to our children is mighty! It grows their minds and connects hearts to our hearts. It enhances their ability to comprehend and allows them to escape the business of this life, just for a little while. It's GOOD!
I found this article today when researching some books that would be of interest to all of my children. I hope it blesses you. It sure did me.

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